What To Do About This Pain In Middle Of Back?

We might say that pain in middle of back, also called thoracic pain, is a bit “neglected” little brother of lower back pain and neck. Why do I say neglected? Well the fact is that people do complain about this type of back pain, but it has not been given as much attention and it is not as well studied as the previous two. In this article, we are going to make an attempt to give it the attention it deserves and talk a bit more about its causes, symptoms and ways you can address it. What Is Causing Your …

We might say that pain in middle of back, also called thoracic pain, is a bit “neglected” little brother of lower back pain and neck. Why do I say neglected? Well the fact is that people do complain about this type of back pain, but it has not been given as much attention and it is not as well studied as the previous two. In this article, we are going to make an attempt to give it the attention it deserves and talk a bit more about its causes, symptoms and ways you can address it. What Is Causing Your Pain In Middle Of Back? Most common causes of pain in the middle of back, and any other type of back pain, are similar and include: Injury or a trauma to this area of the back Herniated or a slipped disc Arthritis Poor posture Repetitive motion and overuse Lifting heavy objects improperly Disc degeneration Congenital spinal anomalies etc. As you can see, there are a lot of possible causes, so the very best advice I can give you is to be aware of your back at all times, especially when engaging in any strenuous activities since they can take the biggest toll on your back. Symptoms And Manifestations Upper back pain usually manifests itself as a dull or a sharp, sudden pain. A dull chronic pain is usually a result of poor postural habits practiced over a longer period of time or repetitive motion, whether it be your job or any other physical activity. Sudden […]
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