The Benefits of Massage for Health & Wellness

Massage was once thought to be the realm of the rich and pampered. Today, the many health benefits of massage are becoming increasingly well known, showing it to be a valuable treatment for everyone – with and without the spa treatment. Let’s focus on two personal massagers that will relieve and invigorate you from the comfort of your own home or anywhere you choose. Our lightweight, attractive Professional Body Massager provides customized relief with a variety of settings, along with an adjustable arm length to reach any number of tired, tense, and achy muscles.  Meanwhile, …

Man giving Woman Massage for Health and WellnessMassage was once thought to be the realm of the rich and pampered. Today, the many health benefits of massage are becoming increasingly well known, showing it to be a valuable treatment for everyone – with and without the spa treatment. Let’s focus on two personal massagers that will relieve and invigorate you from the comfort of your own home or anywhere you choose.

Our lightweight, attractive Professional Body Massager provides customized relief with a variety of settings, along with an adjustable arm length to reach any number of tired, tense, and achy muscles.  Meanwhile, the Professional Palm Massager aids relaxation with pinpoint massage for targeted relief of areas that carry stress, such as shoulders and lower back.  The deep tissue technique allows for heat and other options, making it valuable for after sports or to detoxify areas prone to cellulite.

How is massage, a source of energy and healing, beneficial for everyday use? Organizations such at The Arthritis Foundation, the Mayo Clinic, and are finding the answers through years of practice in scores of cases and a variety of situations. In an article by the Mayo Clinic, massage is described as techniques including rubbing, pressing and the manipulation of muscle, tendons and ligaments. This is done with light to deep pressure that includes numerous specific techniques focusing on different areas of the body, physical issues and ailments. The article goes on to say how studies have shown massage to be “effective treatment for reducing stress, pain and muscle tension,” while helpful in dealing with a host of issues ranging from anxiety to digestive disorders, including disease, pain and injury.

Massage Is No Longer A Luxury. It’s A Necessity. ff366bb7-f499-4fc5-8eac-d2bd7ff7aec861b081ed-9c89-48f3-8961-40572c8b0029

The article “The Value of Massage for Caregivers,” on focuses in greater detail on the ways massage can benefit caregivers and those in need of support. In addition to reducing stress and increasing relaxation, the article explains, “massage can lower blood pressure, increase circulation, improve recovery from injury, help fight fatigue, promote more restful sleep and increase concentration.” Even hospitals brought in the technique to aid in healing and stress reduction among patients and staff.

No matter how you look at it, massage is no longer a luxury, but an increasingly valuable aid to infuse positivity into one’s day, and provide very real healing techniques. Don’t delay employing this life enhancing reliever of stress and fatigue in your own home and at your personal convenience. When you engage in the power of massage, you empower yourself and your body to overcome stressors while improving your health and well being everyday.

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