Why Do I Have Lower Back Pain When Sitting?

Are you experiencing lower back pain when sitting for long periods of time; or you start feeling the pain after only 30 minutes or so? If you are, there is no need to panic, you are not alone and there is certainly a lot of things you can do about it! In today`s article we will offer …

Are you experiencing lower back pain when sitting for long periods of time; or you start feeling the pain after only 30 minutes or so? If you are, there is no need to panic, you are not alone and there is certainly a lot of things you can do about it! In today`s article we will offer you some tips, answer why the pain occurs in the first place and what can you do to reduce and, eventually, eliminate it. Why Do You Experience Lower Back Pain When Sitting? First of all you need to realize that our body was not built to remain seated for long periods of time. I`m not sure if you are familiar with an ancient Chinese proverb that says “Running water never goes stale,” but it fits our discussion perfectly. Our body, and the structures of our body require and desire motion. Moving will stimulate blood flow, lymph drainage, muscles, joints, ligaments, inner organs, virtually every structure of our body and allow it to function properly. When we remain stationary for long periods of time (day after day), or body begins to “rust” and all sorts of medical problems can arise. Prolonged sitting can cause: Metabolic problems Cardiovascular problems High blood sugar Obesity Muscle atrophy And increase a risk of dying from any medical cause by a whopping 50{47d2f8525d03a6a7e00c8cfa75b71ccb2155a72fe258f85b0406c7e1ffe314fd} I`m sure most of you already knew some of these causes of lower back pain when sitting, but I am also sure most of you are surprised by this last information […]
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